Posted by Steve
Monday, May 17, 2021 4:36 PM
I have played about 50 games in this new matchmaking system and I noticed a consistent imbalance in this matchmaking system. You will constantly have 1-2 really high MMR/Skilled players and then 1-2 extremely bad/low skilled players. I think what it was before really was more balance because now you have the higher skilled players literally carrying the other players and getting 3x the amount of frags while the other 1-2 are not doing anything at all. I am constantly getting a player that will finish the game with 1-3 frags sometimes we win but most of the time we lose. I was in Immortal (100-200) and after this update I keep dropping 20-30 kills but its still not enough to win games. Also, the 2 rank gap restriction is completely ignored now because I have had games where we have an immortal and a Plat 1? What the hell is going on.
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