New Mode suggestion: Mystery Agents!

Posted by Steve

Monday, March 8, 2021 10:36 PM

I play Overwatch and the game has an arcade mode called Mystery Heroes. Regular 6v6 match rules but everytime you die you get to play a different hero until you die and the cycle goes on. It's very common for teams in that mode to have two or three of the same heroes.

This mode has helped many players, including myself, to learn all heroes' abilities and how to play around them. I think Valorant's own version of this mode will be a lot of fun for average players, as well as greatly informative for new players.

I'm fairly new to this subreddit so I don't know if this has been suggested before but I know that Mystery Heroes is very popular in Overwatch and it would be as popular and fun in Valorant!

Edit: formatting and typos.



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