New Overpowered way of using killjoy ultimate, everyone detained | Immortal 3

Posted by Steve

Thursday, October 29, 2020 12:31 AM

New Overpowered way of using killjoy ultimate, everyone detained | Immortal 3

Hey, I am a killjoy main and yesterday I played haven as killjoy and managed to detain everyone. I used the commonly known retake ultimate for a site, but this time I placed a nanoswarm at the beginning of the round, I placed the nanoswarm in the only corner that is save from the ultimate so my enemies had to decide if they want to die, or get detained, therfore 1 guy died and 4 got detained an we easily won the round. In my opinion there are many more spots like this on other maps which you could combine with some sick lineups. What do you think about the way I used the ultimate?

Link to the clip:

I am really looking forward to the upcoming killjoy buffs in patch 1.11. In my opinion killjoy is going to be the new main Sentinel and we will see her more than cypher in the upcoming tournament First Strike. What do you think about the Sentinel META in patch 1.11?

I am going to look for more ultimate spots in combination with nanoswarm lineups in the future!



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