New Player asks; is Ranked like this?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, October 6, 2022 5:19 PM

I got matched with a bunch of guys in solo que, claiming to be in diamond and they intentionally threw from the getgo first two rounds they mollied each other killing all 4 (one guy who isn't a part of their party) of them leaving me alone. Talked the biggest smack you can while losing and somehow have a God complex saying stuff like "I have you RR just to take it away, how do you feel?"

Like come on man it's Iron let us newbies and scrubs knock each other's heads off I don't want to have to deal with a bunch of oversized toddlers having a temper tantrum because you can't compete with people your level.

I know every game has it's smurfs and whatever but Christ is this game has a more prominent population of that.



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