(New Player)What elo will save rounds start happening?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 7, 2022 12:31 AM

Will people in Silver start doing save rounds? I just started 3 weeks ago and started playing rank 3 days ago(I like testing characters first and knowing what to do before going to rank). Im currently Bronze 2 and majority of my teammates have no concept of save rounds. They always buy rifles/spectre every round. Their economy is so fcked they can only buy Spectre/Ares full armor and utils even on winning rounds.

The worst part is that they expect me to drop them a spectre when they force buy a save round. Don't get me wrong I always drop when I have extra(I even drop the botfrag) but its so tilting when they force buy a save round...

And I am not saying i dont deserve bronze, I honestly think i'm Iron tier lmao. I have inconsistent aim since this is my first FPS game, I go for like 29HS% to 10HS% so I only rely on my gamesense to win rounds(That's why I love initiators and controllers)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/x76gmg/new_playerwhat_elo_will_save_rounds_start/
  • https://reddit.com/x76gmg

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