New skin feature: Select the skin you want (ingame).

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 11:48 PM

[3rd and final try with my title ^^ other posts were removed]

Hey guys, I sent in a suggestion to Riot about adding a feature to Valorant and they told me it needed the power of Reddit to get anywhere.

See their reply below, followed by my suggestion:

Bobby (VALORANT Support Site) Dec 5, 2020, 12:31 UTC Hey there, Thank you for sharing your feedback - personally I think that that's a very good idea! ^ However, you should know that our developers do not seek for ideas from tickets, but rather from opinions posted on the internet, so I would suggest you to post it on our Discord and Reddit channels - in that way your opinion wouldget visibility and our developers would have the chance to notice it! ^ WIsh you luck! <3 Kind regards,

This was my suggested feature to add into Valorant:

LMIGHTY Dec 4, 2020, 22:29 UTC Hey, just think this should be added as a feature. A lot of players have several skins for the same gun. It would be very nice if you could hold right click or so whilst buying a gun and then for a dropdown menu to appear, giving you the option to buy a specific skin for that gun in the middle of a game. Sometimes you just wanna be able to switch it up mid game. Please pass it on :-)

Sometimes you don't get your main, and we can all agree that the Reaver Collection only looks good on Omen really ;-) Being able to select the skin you wanna use whilst in a game would be a feature I'd love to see added asap.

So Reddit Gang, what to do you say?



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