Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 8:12 AM
Right now I'm in a ranked game (yes, I'm writing this after I died), the sova (unfortunately in streamer mode) is just standing at spawn, shooting each second one bullet out of his gun to make sure he won't gat kicked). That's it. It's destroying all fun of the game, way more than average AFK, because he's actually giving us no value (usually you'd get an ult orb and some money) and grinding XP and ranks on won matches.
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Posted by Otto
Thursday, September 16, 2021 5:33 AM
New Quickplay Option In Match History Tab
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Posted by Otto
Monday, November 8, 2021 4:50 PM
Tips & Tricks from a Sage main - in case you didn't know...
There is an option to see your teammates abilities. The default key is ALT.
So if you're wondering if Sage has a heal, press ALT or whatever bind you have it set to.
Thank you for reading my TED talk.
Posted by Otto
Sunday, May 30, 2021 11:19 PM