New to Valorant - Tips?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11:05 PM

Hey all,

I just downloaded valorant yesterday and I don't really have any experience with this kind of shooter - I've never played CS:GO, I feel like my closest approximations are Apex and R6, and even then the gunplay feels way different. All I've played is deathmatch, and man, I'm struggling more than I usually do with new games - I'm talking like six kills in the whole game. Do you guys have any gunplay tips / rules for new players? Any settings that are particularly important? I'd like to try the real game first, but I want to get to the point where I'm actually contributing with frags first, if only a little bit. Also, I don't know what guns are the best to buy in a typical plant game. All I've heard is start with either the default pistol or the silenced one, and then switch to one of two ARs once you can.

TLDR: advice for a totally new player to get better at killing people / not dying would be much appreciated!



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