Posted by Steve
Saturday, June 25, 2022 3:24 PM
Now this may be a long shot but on the new episodes loading screen they’re showing Asia on the globe and India is very prominently lit up on it. Considering there hasn’t been an Indian agent but there are South Korean (Jett) , Japanese (Yoru) , Chinese (Sage) , Filipino (Neon) agents, an Indian agent would make sense to represent another major country in Asia and Valorant’s south Asian player base.
I might be reading too much into this but Valorant does give us sneaky subtle hints.
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Posted by Otto
Sunday, April 11, 2021 4:07 PM
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Saturday, August 14, 2021 4:07 AM
Well this is an iron 3 aceing if you can lemme know what can i do better then that would help alot

Posted by Otto
Sunday, November 6, 2022 4:07 AM