Posted by Steve
Saturday, September 25, 2021 11:48 PM
As we all know Valorant's store is abysmal and needs a change. As a beginning the night market can be changed to test the water. Instead of getting six random skins you would get 5 random skins with discounts and the sixth skin you can choose any skin you want but without a discount. Please feel free to give your opinions.
More Like This
This game is SO good when it's going well

Posted by Otto
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 11:04 PM

Posted by Otto
Wednesday, August 3, 2022 3:24 PM
Found this "one way" on A site split. Not sure if it even works but tell me if it's useful.
[Was practicing one ways with cypher on split and found this. Not sure if I'm the first one who found this but you can crouch under it and see so I'm not really sure if it's useful. Just wanted to share this.](
Posted by Otto
Saturday, December 4, 2021 7:43 AM