Posted by Steve
Sunday, January 31, 2021 3:52 PM
I've tried...
Grinding deathmatch to oblivion, grinding practice range bots doing a variety of excercises, aimtraing for around an hour every other day (aimlabs, not doing dogshit tasks but grinding sixshot, microshot/flex, headshot, spidershot, reflexshot), changing playstyle, trying different agents, playing with other players (not solo q), taking breaks from training/playing, watching (actually good and not clickbait/regurgitated) guide videos, reading this very subreddit, apply skills from previously said videos, tried and have decent crosshair placement, not running and shooting, using minimap, defaults, mastering economy, good bomb plant locations, post plant (playing for time/fake defuse), thinking before doing something in game, attempt to maintain good mentality, communication, etc... all over a few months....
To be at the dogshit rank of Silver 2, and dropping fast. (Peaked gold 1 for literally 1 game)
If you were to give any advice in then comments I probably have done it already.
And I fucking suck in game. Whiff after whiff. Miss so many shots. Get outplayed 100% percent of the time.
And it's not like I'm bad at learning things, I tend to pick up things faster than the average person I think. It's not like I have extremely bad hardware or internet either. And no, I'm not one of those players who has excessively high sensitivity and don't realize it (0.55 500 DPI). But no matter how hard I try I'm just bad, but worse of all - I don't get better.
Might drop vod if ppl read this post idk doubt it tbh (((edit: have recorded a vod, if anybody really wants it comment and I'll upload it, which might take a while cuz 4gb, also theres a chance it has no audio, also it's a game I did decent in so there isn't going to be a large amount of mistakes would rather upload a 0-13 massacre but there def some mistakes)))
Anybody who started playing in September (like me), has some CSGO experience (like me) and did everything in the first paragraph (like me) would be probably platinum at minimum. (Not like me)
I've folded, I'm done playing.
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