No replay system smh

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 18, 2022 10:50 PM

i’ve never liked Overwatch (OW). i think its a very messy game with a shit ton of things you need to look out for, on top of needing that “overwatch aim” thing where people fly/ jump/ dash around very frequently. But i tried it anyway cause my friends leave Val for OW2 (hah i wonder why). im pretty average at Ow2, placing bronze 1 in placement, and currently silver2. BUT BRO I CAN LOOK AT MY REPLAYS, ITS INSANE. i only take a deep look into it today and holy shit its so good. Instantly i know where my misplays are, what enemy at my rank usually try to do, and increase my awareness in this absolute mess of a game. Do i have to make a daily post asking for replay system? Cause the game right now have nothing for me to stay, which sucks cause i actually love the simple aspects of the game. and i’ve spend my time grinding and money on this game too.

A word or something atleast bro its 2 years what you mean the game doesnt have a replay system smh.



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