Not having a "burn" status effect is a huge missed opportunity for Phoenix

Posted by Steve

Saturday, June 18, 2022 5:05 AM

Having a burn status effect would allow for a lot of buffs for Phoenix.

  • The damage from Phoenix's wall and molly could be moved onto the burn status, so you would take the full damage just by touching it at any point in its lifespan. This could be further adjusted by splitting the damage so some is done by burn and some is done by contact with his abilities.

  • Phoenix's abilities could have a larger aoe/explosion when activated that applies burn (so the molly would explode when it lands and apply burn in a large area, and then behave like the current molly).

  • Phoenix could be able to heal from the burn status, thus allowing him to move out of the area of his abilities while still getting healed.

  • Burn could apply slight distortion/visual effects to reduce visibility for enemies.

  • Burn could be applied with Phoenixes flash within a certain distance.



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