Not enough people know about VALORANT's ping system.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 11:33 AM

Not enough people know about VALORANT's ping system.

For those of you that don't have mics or are unaware and spam in chat about where the spike or enemies are; you should know about valorant's very epic ping system:

Holding "," (comma) ingame:

Holding comma is obviously not easy, especially while in the middle of a gunfight; which is where holding Z comes in. This is a much more straight forward ping wheel, and can and will save you the time to spam "all a" in chat

Holding "Z" ingame:

There is also another method, which is mostly used for banter, but can be equally useful: pressing "." (period)

Pressing :"." ingame:

This one is useful for before the barrier drops: Setting up sites, flanks or having friendly banter.

Hope this helps you, and hopefully I see less spam in my iron lobbies :_)



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