Posted by Steve
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 1:14 PM
Join us for a live stream hangout January 11, 10AM PST on to learn what's new in Episode 2. Devs breakdown Competitive, design, Agents, gun skins, and Esports with host @FionnOnFire.
— VALORANT (@PlayVALORANT) January 4, 2021
More Like This
Unmentioned change in 5.09: ADS Sensitivity Multiplier
Just noticed a new feature that was unmentioned in the patch:
**ADS Sensitivity Multiplier** \- Allows you to set ADS sensitivity separately from normal and scoped sensitivity.
Been waiting for this for a while. Pretty neat.
Posted by Otto
Thursday, November 3, 2022 12:31 AM
You're allowed to have an off game as a duelist.
Just a PSA. You aren't automatically trash, despite what your teammates might be yelling at you. Keep fragging homies.
EDIT (context for haters): First half on offense my team kept telling what to do and what not to do as Jett...I rolled w...
Posted by Otto
Thursday, March 11, 2021 3:24 PM
"Sage Wall"

Posted by Otto
Sunday, December 25, 2022 7:29 PM