okay honestly, i cant tell if people want women to be good at the game or theyre just tryna chase them out of the game for no reason.

Posted by Steve

Monday, September 6, 2021 4:07 PM

women get all the hate for being stereotypically bad when there are female players in radiant and shit. of course there isnt as many compared to male players, but thats also because guys dominate most of the playerbase for competitive games.

they could top frag and still be told to quit the game. top fragging or kills in general doesnt mean everything in the game, but theyre not necessarily playing badly to the point where they gotta uninstall.

"oh shes too good she cant be female lol" so at according to them they cant suck at the game, or theyll be bullied. but they cant be better than others too or theyre catfishin? dude this aint a dating site. its a game. they dont want any male validation either.

dont even get me started on how a small amount of men WANT girls to be bad at the game or stick to sage because it's "hot".. or "cute". (yes, ive seen this sorta behaviour)

and they be complaining about not getting pussy like...???

before anyone thinks im making a post for a girl i simp for, im a gay man.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/piqonq/okay_honestly_i_cant_tell_if_people_want_women_to/
  • https://reddit.com/piqonq

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