Omen can see Astra while placing Dark Cover smokes

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 17, 2021 4:36 AM

EDIT: In a freeze frame of the second clip I noticed you can see an additional player in vent so this is not limited to Astra and instead shows multiple enemy locations.

While in Omen's "phaser" mode to place smokes, you are able to see ~~Astra's~~ enemy locations for brief blips. This is particularly noticeable when Astra goes into her Astral Form like in the first example below. I have only noticed this while smoking at the beginning of the round, but pretty game breaking from the start considering you can tell where people are while smoking as Omen.

I have two example gifs of this occurring. They're on two completely different maps too, Haven and Split.

Example 1: Haven Example Astra is to the left of Smoke Example 2: Split Example. Astra immediately as vide starts to the left (my video jumps a bit, idk what happened when i edited from VLC but oh well)



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