Posted by Steve
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 10:36 AM
So, Valorant posted a new art featuring a big octopus. In this image, we can see it has the easily recognisable three stripes of Omen (comparison here). Valorant has already hinted us about that in this banner and this gun buddy. Also, he also knits an octopus in this banner. So my theory is, because we don't know a thing about Omen's past, he used to be an octopus, who was changed by radianite.
So this guy, TWO YEARS AGO, was right !
EDIT : Yes, other agents have references in the aquarium (like the pearl-boombot), but the octopus is the only one we have already seen in cosmetics. This image is probably a teaser for the new map, standing in Lisbon (Portugal), and it would be weird if they put it in the art just for the meme ;).
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