Omen smoke idea

Posted by Steve

Sunday, January 1, 2023 11:05 AM

So random thought and feel free to say it’s dumb or smth but I feel like omen has the lamest smokes. Everyone else’s have some neat effect it feels like, but his is very normal.

  • Brim has 3
  • Harbor stops damage
  • Jett throws instantly
  • Viper decays health
  • Cypher’s covers more area
  • Astra can choose for it to become something else

All of these have something original but there’s nothing omen’s does that other agents’ cannot. So I have an idea: Omen smokes are sound barriers. When you’re inside, you can’t hear outside. When you’re outside, you can’t hear inside. I think it might also open new tactics and give Omen that extra mmph I feel he needs.

Again, it might just be me. But I like the idea. What do you think of it? What other changes would you suggest?



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