Posted by Steve
Saturday, January 1, 2022 1:14 AM
When Omen casts the teleport part of his ultimate, every player on the enemy team hears a different location near them for the teleport sound no matter where they are. The only way someone hears the real omen teleport location is if they are close enough to his real tp location to hear it as players currently do on the live servers, otherwise enemies only hear different, individual fake teleport sound locations.
For example, say 2 teammates are standing apart from each other at B site on Haven and the enemy Omen uses their ult teleport. In reality, the Omen teleports to A heaven. Though both allies are standing decently close to each other, one would hear the teleport sound coming from the cubby outside mid, and one could hear it coming from behind the wall back of site.
It's important to note that if multiple teammates were close enough to the real location, they should both hear the same, real, position. To compensate for enemies easily figuring out omen's teleport on sites where 2 people ARE usually close by, the range players have to be in proximity to hear the real teleport COULD be made smaller IF needed.
This would inspire a lot of fear and some degree of mind games for enemies who are alone or far away from another team mate.
If you ask me, that's fits his "paranoia" thematic really well and would make him pretty unique.
I'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions if yall have em.
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