On behalf of all women... please defend us

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 11:19 AM

It's no secret that being a woman who solo queues valorant is not a fun experience. My account level is over 100, and I have been playing valorant for about a year and a half now and peaked S2. I've had my fair share of misogynistic encounters in this game. This is not a post to air out all of the shit that has been said to me, but this is a request.

If you are a human who queues up with a woman on your team, and someone starts ragging on her... please defend her. 9/10 if someone speaks up on my behalf, that game is more playable and I do better in the match. If no one speaks up, everyone gets muted (including myself) and I'm bottom fragging. Maybe my mental is more sensitive, but don't we all want to win? At the bare minimum, if you speak up, then we can form an alliance and know who we need to mute to continue the game with solid comms.

I know most of the people who say nothing at all are not bad people, but if these little boys get some bigger boys to set them straight, it might make some magic happen. God knows, they don't respect me... but they might just respect you.

Thank you.

Edit: To clarify, I play in NA servers. I've met some of my best friends on valorant. This is not a post to say I cry myself to sleep every night thinking about how toxic this game is. But when it's bad, ITS BAD. This is just a request, I'm not asking for advice. We all know about the mute feature, tysm <3


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/10kq4f9/on_behalf_of_all_women_please_defend_us/
  • https://reddit.com/10kq4f9

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