One Bad Game Ruined My Mentality Tonight

Posted by Steve

Sunday, January 17, 2021 12:31 AM

I'm a fairly average Silver player that usually frags between 1/2, especially since the start of episode 2. I also have hopes of one day being much better and having a successful stream. I usually do really well and pull off a lot of clutches and 1v2s that I often clip and am proud of, but tonight I had one REALLY bad game. I played Yoru trying to learn him, but I queued into a game where I was the only person with an act rank or even a rank at all. My guess was that they either were smurfs or they all play csgo together because they queued together.

Anyways, long story short, I was just feeling from the start that this lobby was a bit beyond my skill level and that was fine with me, I accepted the fact that it would likely be more of a challenge which I see as good. However, the two top fraggers on my team were REALLY getting onto me and doing whatever they could to bring me down. One of them was screaming at me while I was trying to clutch a 1v2 and it made me so nervous I choked. The very next round, I won a 1v3 and they were still somehow being toxic about how shit I am and how I should feel bad that it was free and I "baited people." It wasn't even like we were losing because my team was up 11-5 at this point. I was getting a lot of assists and not securing kills that I normally would because of the constant harassment and even after I muted them both after that round, it really got in my head and effected not only my gameplay, but my total emotional state. On top of all of this, I was streaming, and it just totally killed my vibe and I stopped talking. My viewership instantly plummeted. It totally ruined my night.

I suppose the story has a somewhat happy ending because the very next game I topped fragged and also won, so I am that much closer to gold. I don't normally write posts on reddit, but I felt that I needed to vent somehow and don't really have anyone in my life that would understand so please excuse my rambling because this is the only place I could think of.

Moral of the story, as I guess I'm trying to say is, please don't be toxic, especially if you are queuing into low and untalented lobbies. You really have no idea how it might affect people even after they shut down the computer. I am writing this on my phone from my bed because I just couldn't stop thinking about this tonight and wanted to use this energy to get a possible good message out. Please let me know how I might be able to handle these kinds of people in the future, because I really hate to resort to muting in a team based game.



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