Opinion: Cypher's tripwire should be visible through walls to the player playing him, similarly to how other abilities are.

Posted by Steve

Friday, June 24, 2022 10:21 AM

Abilities such as Skye's animals, sova darts, and killjoy bots are visible to allies.

It would be nice if the tripwires are visible to the Cypher, or maybe even to his allies.

This way, Cypher players can peek more easily and have better prefires when running setups. Especially when it's a wallbang setup where you can't see the tripwire whatsoever, and you either have to ping on the map or make an estimate as to where the trip is.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vipb3u/opinion_cyphers_tripwire_should_be_visible/
  • https://reddit.com/vipb3u

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