Opinion: There is a game mode called unrated which you can queue with friends of all ranks and play together.

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 30, 2020 9:52 PM

"it has no incentives" is the dumbest argument for this, it's the same exact game mode just without ranks, you can play with friends of any rank and usually meet other 5 stacks doing the same thing, on top of this unrated is a bit more loose and the perfect playground to chill with friends and have fun. Sure Ranked is probably going to be more tryhard but then again what does it matter when your higher ranked smurf friend is just out aiming everyone and carrying you to an undeserved win?

Making a smurf account to play "ranked" with friends because "unrated is boring" is a whack argument, you just want an excuse to smurf and boost your friends out of their rank, just for them to ruin the next match once they soloQ at their own rank because they'll probably get shit on since they got carried by the smurf friend.

The only issue unrated has is that the queue times are higher at higher levels. Other than that it's just as fun, you also have more room to fuck around with your friends without consequences all while having a good time. Plus you get the same amount of XP as ranked.

There is nothing incentive about shitting on low levels on a smurf account to impress your friends who just want to get carried out of their deserved ranks. Play unrated or Spike rush if you want to have a good time with friends.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k3a2nv/opinion_there_is_a_game_mode_called_unrated_which/
  • https://reddit.com/k3a2nv

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