Opinions on my Flicks / Aim lol?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 5:33 PM

Currently D3, with the peak of D3 for about 1 month now. Played off and on, but trying to hit Ascendant the Immo, then Radiant. I have a whole aim routine to get me there, and what you see in the video is not apart of it.
Releasing this video on Day 2 after doing my AimLab aim-training and 1/4 through my Valorant (10-20min) training. Spend 1hr each day after waking up, before doing other stuff to practice my aim. Total of 1hr25min (1hr Val + 25min AimLab).

My Sens is currently at 0.24, last month was at 0.26-0.28, and the month before that was 0.3.


Again, this video is not apart of my usual aim training for Valorant.
I do around 1,500 Elimination Bots, split into 5 segments, with 1 different variation of aim practice between each one. 2 of the tasks use a metronome. 1 is based around practice strafing and bursting + counterstrafing. Then 2 of them are shooting hard bots 10x each


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/13ix8c4/opinions_on_my_flicks_aim_lol/
  • https://reddit.com/13ix8c4

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