Other 50 year old players - what is your rank?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 1:57 AM

Hi all.

As there are no Age adjustet Rank Games and no sources.

All you 45 to 55 year old Valorant players.

What rank are you. And how you try to combensate reaction time.

My dream would one more time be Gold 1. Absolute High is Gold 3.

Majorly i am stuck at Silver 2 each season

Currently watching skill capped videos. And watching Void Analyse Games of Pro.

Tons of good advice to help me get a little better.

Pre position rule: can i back up, only one area to get attacked from, can i help teammate from position and such.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/smk23x/other_50_year_old_players_what_is_your_rank/
  • https://reddit.com/smk23x

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