Other team admitting to smurfing

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 12, 2021 9:38 PM

Pretty self explanatory. Been in G1 for a while now so I definitely have room to improve, but it’s just really disheartening to play this game so much and really try to improve and 50% of my games have a Jett on the other team that admit first round to smurfing and then dropping 40 kills like it’s nothing.

I know many people in high ELO say smurfing is not a real problem and that I can play through it if I train but it just ruins the competitive nature of the game. No amount of comms or tactical gameplay will overcome someone with the ability to walk into site and 1vX with ease.

Not trying to blame my lack of rank progression on smurfing I’m just venting because I play this game to challenge myself and have fun and people like this destroy all of that.

I honestly don’t know what can even be done to stop it but the only thing I ask is that for those of you out there with multiple alts helping friends in lower ranks, just take a minute to understand how the person on the other side is having their experience ruined in the process.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/rek15f/other_team_admitting_to_smurfing/
  • https://reddit.com/rek15f

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