Out of interest: What is y'alls favourite on the Phantom, Guardian and Bulldog?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 12, 2022 8:12 PM

So there was that other post asking people what their favourite Vandal Skin is and since I barely play the Vandal, I thought: Let's make one for the other rifles! Ok, I'll go first:

Bulldog: I don't really have one, Don't really like playing the bulldog.

Guardian: Hard Race between Infantry and Magepunk. Magepunk is flashier and I love the SFX, but Infantry is such a solid goodlooking skin and I wished it would be upgradeable

Phantom: Champions 2022. No contest. They made this skin so well and it feels so powerful.

Interested to hear y'alls opinions!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ys7fga/out_of_interest_what_is_yalls_favourite_on_the/
  • https://reddit.com/ys7fga

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