Overall Rating decrease with a 80% winrate

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 6, 2021 5:05 PM

Overall Rating decrease with a 80% winrate

Just want to point out that over the last 10 games. I won exactly 8 and lost 2. Almost all 8 dubs were very close wins, one with an afk. The 2 losses both had an afk where we got demolished. Anyway I was silver 3 0 lp according to https://github.com/RumbleMike/ValorantStreamOverlay and after 5 close wins was at 61 lp. After losing with the afk 2/13, I was back at 4 lp. Then I won 3 close games again putting me at 46 lp. Lost the 10th game due to another afk and am back at 0 lp. So with an 80% winrate, I am sitting at the same LP that I was before. Can someone fix this ranked system please. Additionally, I play duelists and had positive kd's over all 10 games, mostly top fragging.

At this point, I will have to simply have to stop playing. I do not have the time to grind this long and an afk will simply nuke hours of progress in like 10 minutes.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kr2kwi/overall_rating_decrease_with_a_80_winrate/
  • https://reddit.com/kr2kwi

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