Penalty system for leavers/AFK

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 13, 2020 7:14 AM

Honestly there’s too many afk/ragequits in both casual and ranked queues. It takes the fun out of the game for me personally and I’m sure many others who’ve experienced the same.

I understand why it would be complex to add bots in valorant to replace afks but atleast make a harsher penalty system to discourage people from doing this. The CSGO system for example.

4 levels of punishment for leaving a competitive game.

Level 1 - 30 minute timeout from queue.

Level 2 - 2 hour timeout from queue.

Level 3 - 1 day timeout from queue.

Level 4 - 7 day timeout from queue.

With each successive afk/quit your level increases starting from Level 1 all the way to level 4. For every week without committing an offence the punishment level goes down by 1.

So for example those who get the 7 day timeout will have to not leave games mid way for a week after which point their next offence will be a 1 day timeout.

This will greatly discourage players from quitting games. Now there maybe some with legitimate reasons to leave a game and rest assured they’ll not exceed level 1 or 2 of the punishment system because it’s highly unlikely to have emergencies multiple times when playing the game within a period of a week.

It doesn’t have to be the same system but something along those lines would help massively. 4v5’s are just ridiculously terrible right now especially considering the rank points gain/loss isn’t affected by the numbers disadvantage and the only real compensation is a free small shield in pistol round.



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