People who complain when other people don’t play smokes, if you need smokes that badly, you should play smokes

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 6:31 PM

I’ve seen several posts and/or comments today ranging from “I hate playing smokes and will never play them because I’m better at X” to “why would I want to play smokes, they’re boring and someone else should do it”. And then some of them will complain when a comp doesn’t have smokes and flame about it.

This post is for those flamers

You don’t care about winning. You don’t. You might say “I care about winning, I’m the best blah blah blah in this bracket, that’s why I’m playing them and not smokes!” Cool. Play it. Frag out, carry the team to victory, be awesome.

But when that doesn’t happen. When you can’t carry up to the ego you’ve invented for yourself in your head. Don’t act like it’s because of not having smokes. Because if winning was REALLY important to you and you would totally be winning if you just had smokes…you would have picked someone with smokes. Because at the end of the day you can only control your actions and if you can only control your actions and you really believe smokes are necessarily to win the game, you would have picked smokes instead of insta locking whatever character you picked.

You would think for a role apparently deemed so important for the game I wouldn’t have to make this post but here we are



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