Posted by Steve
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 6:02 AM
2nd straight game like this. We got zeroed last game. This is not OK matchmaking. I top frag last game, this time I'm bot frag because either I'm left alone because everyone's going their own ways, or I'm baited.
Hidden MMR is not even a good explanation anymore. I don't even care if I get games where I'm on the other team. That is not cool.
Our topfrag Reyna is not even that good. Our Jett was bot fragging 2 kills on first half, kept on pushing and dying as defender, like our Reyna. These are not Silver-Gold MMR players. And trust me, I know because I was silver 3 the previous episodes. Yes, episode. My aim was way worse then.
Now I'm hard stuck bronze. I get run and gunning 1 taps every other game. Sure they're not hacking, but even enemies worse players are 1 tapping like Diamond-Immortal.
Please, please, please do tell me to team up, get good, and what not. Yeah, that must be it.
These examples are weeks apart because in between, I remind myself often that it's not my team and to focus on myself. This are the 1% I'm just tired of it. I'm as friendly as I can, I usually make first comms, I don't backseat drive, I know my lineups and my smokes, I always adjust if we lack blinds or sentinel.
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