Posted by Steve
Friday, March 26, 2021 8:26 AM
I am currently plat 2 and i was Diamond 2 last season. I see this happening all the time and i get so mad when it happens. Lets take Ascent as an example: a player(often jett and/or reyna) looks in B main as a deffender and see nothing. pushes alone and get two kills. In my head ”Good job i guess, that was a risky move but it paid of”. She wants MOOORE, pushes out mid and dies. At the same time the reyna in pizza/mid thinks to her self ”what, jett is stealing all my kills, I HAVE TO PUSH!!!!!!! Its the only way!” Pushes put mid get insta killed. Now in 5 seconds the round has gone from 5vs3 to a 3vs3. And often these two fuck ups results in someone wanting to be a hero and save the round and push from cat or something and end up dieing aswell. Now its 2vs3 and we are split up. Lets say we are probably gonna lose that round.
This is just one example. This happend to me in a match where a raze and a reyna did this 5-6 times as deffenders. They had 16 and 17 kills and i had 6 (playing cyper on A). They think its my fault for loseing.
If you are pushing and manage to get a kill as a deffender (and even as a attacker most often) fall back and think about what your enemy is doing. If you hear nothing more that was probably a lurker and now they know you are there. If you survive this Will make it so much harder for the attackers to clear that site with all the angles.
Sorry for long post. I wanna give potato but i no have. I poor.
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