People walking right past killjoys alarmbot?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 5, 2020 12:31 PM

I was playing split earlier today, I was in a 1v1 on a site. I put my alarmbot so it would see someone if they came from a main. I put it on the side of the ramp, where they couldn't see it but it would still see them. Then, I put my turret close right outside of screens, so it would see them if they came elbow/a main/ dropped from heaven. So, I'm chilling on site waiting for something to happen, then from behind me I hear a knife and suddenly I'm dead. He said that he saw the alarmbot clear as day and that it just didn't do anything when he went near it. I was well within the 40 meters, so they weren't disabled. They completely understood that it was a glitch and weren't toxic about it, thank god, but it's still pissing me off. How could he have waddled right on by the alarmbot meant to detect rogue waddlers without it seeing him?



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