Permanent hardware ban

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 8:26 PM

I really hope they are following through with these permanent hardware bans for cheaters. Last night I played against the most BLATANT aimbot in any FPS game I have ever played since I started playing fps games like 15 years ago. And the worst part was him and his butt buddies were toxic and acting like they were good.

The Jett (cheater) had 40 kills in one half, only using sheriff and ult. Not a single kill was body, 4-6 aces in a row. Just blatant cheating. I reported and even went online and submitted a ticket to report. I really hope scum like him get what they deserve, which is a permanent hardware ban from the game.

But honestly part of me feels bad for them, I mean they must have really low self esteem issues to the point where they have to cheat in a video game to make themselves feel accomplished:/....nah screw em. Hope they get what the deserve and never get to play again. Scumbags



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