Petition to stop demanding sage to wall mid

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:31 AM

I’ve been playing Valorant for a while now, and each day that I’m playing for a game or two, there will always be 1 or 2 players that keep on demanding either for one player to pick sage as a healer/support or to wall mid.

As a sage main, it is infuriating whenever someone in the team demands to wall mid. I understand that sometimes walling mid is a way to delay the enemy team from pushing, but there are times where the enemies would break down the wall and rush, or the sage from the enemy team would counter it with their wall, making the wall at mid useless. I know that the game requires coordination for each agent’s abilities but demanding, shouting at voice chat, bullying, or trash-talking the sage player because of not walling mid is not okay.

We all ticked the code of conduct by riot, and I hope everyone sticks by it.

As by riot’s code of conduct number 2, “Respect My Teammates”:

“I will respect my teammates and make every best effort to foster an environment where they can perform. I understand that respect builds trust, and that trust is needed for everyone to perform their best.”

Sometimes there will always be rounds that walls are needed for post-rounds, i.e., entries, angles, and block defusing are one of them. If you don’t know what I mean by angles, look up Grim on youtube

It would be much appreciated if teammates KINDLY request for walling something not demanding it. These doesn’t limit to players who keep insisting on walling mid but for all players who are just toxic. Please let us keep a healthy community and let us play whatever we want however we want.



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