Phoenix Buff Suggestion - Flame Surfing

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 12:31 AM

Phoenix is the only duelist in the game without a movement ability. He's also undeniably the weakest agent in the game right now in the current meta, with a near 0 pick rate in pro play and one of the lowest pick rates in ranked, especially in higher elo.

With Phoenix having such a distinguished place in VALORANT lore, it seems a bit disappointing that his kit is as underwhelming as it is.

I think that a Phoenix rework with emphasis on giving him some mobility would be great to balance the champion. My idea is to rework the wall into a completely new and unique ability,


EQUIP a flame wall. FIRE to create a wave of fire that moves forward, blocking enemy vision and damaging players passing through it. PRESS E on the deployed HEAT WAVE to surf on the wave. While surfing, Phoenix has low gun accuracy. If RUN IT BACK is active, Phoenix retains his accuracy while surfing.

This could also also Phoenix to get into spots that are typically reserved for Jett/Raze/Omen/Chamber (for example, on top of C site on Haven or on top of the tube in mid on Icebox).

Here are some potential voicelines for when Phoenix casts his heat wave:


"Tides comin"

"I'm droppin' in bruv"

"Now this is fire"


EDIT: Thanks for the silver, kind stranger!



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