Phoenix Buffs

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 11:19 PM

Been thinking a lot about how Phoenix is now the worst agent in the game, so here’s some stuff I culminated to make him better, at least in ranked if not pro play.

Phoenix Buffs PASSIVE

  • Add in a new debuff called Burn
  • Burn works like Decay in Viper's ult
    • Enemies that walk through Phoenix's wall get Burn and lose health and shields at a steady rate overtime
    • This rate goes faster when they are in the util


  • Make the wall last longer and easier to curve
  • Make the wall give you Burn when you walk through it
    • Burn lasts longer for the wall than the molly
  • Make the wall 100-150 creds
  • Have the wall heal Phoenix more


  • Make it 200 credits
  • Make it pop faster and last a bit longer (1.3-1.4 seconds)


  • Make it also recharge on a cooldown of 30-40 seconds as well as 2 kills
  • Add the Burn effect in
    • Molly Burn lasts less than the wall burn
  • Make his molly do more damage
  • Make it heal him more (about 75 health per molly)


  • Make it last longer (8-9 seconds)
  • Make his marker make less sound and be less visible
  • Make his respawn location less audible
  • When he ults, he regains all of his abilities, regardless of his current charges
    • When his ult ends he returns to his normal charges
  • Make him able to cancel his ult at any time
  • Make his ult last 2 seconds longer the amount of kills he gets with it
  • Make him respawn faster



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