Phoenix buffs desperately needed...

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 1:57 AM

With the upcoming release of Neon, it's safe to say Phoenix needs changes. Imo, he is currently the least exciting and least effective at his role (there's Yoru but he's undergoing a massive rework so I have hope for that).

I've seen a lot of posts on how he should be buffed and I've come up with I think are fair and easy buffs to all three of Phoenix's abilities.

Blaze: Make it two. If Neon can instantaneously pull up two walls (that are much longer in length as well), then I don't know why he can't get two either. If too much healing is a concern, just cut the healing rate to half.

Curveball: By far the worst flash in the game. Has the shortest blind effect of 1.1 seconds. That is miserable. At least make it equivalent to Yoru's 1.5 seconds, or better yet make it 2 seconds like Skye/Breach.

Hot Hands: Take out the limited range! Also, make it so that if you left click, you do the regular throw. If you right click, you instantly hot hands yourself (think of sage's self heal). If Phoenix doesn't have the mobility like Jett's dash, Raze's satchels, Neon's sprint, Yoru's teleport, and Reyna's dismiss to escape from duels, he can at least excel in survivability with his heals.

Run it Back: For the love of god, there should be an option to cancel his ultimate. Also, I don't know why he loses all his shield. He should keep the whatever amount of shields he started before. The duration is 10 seconds but the first second is all animation so technically 9 seconds. Either get rid of the animation or add another second to compensate for it.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Let's talk. Send this to Riot.



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