Phone number verified rank queue?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 13, 2023 10:21 AM

With the new phone number verification for premier and the rampant rise in amount of Smurfs the past couple of months why not create a dedicated phone verified queue like cs:go?

Allow it to be a slider option just like prime for cs:go but don’t make the game not free to play like cs:go did. It would make for a better deterrent to Smurfs trying to get into these queues to mess with people on their main accounts.

I’ve seen the arguments where people say but they can just use family members numbers etc. Yet for me I feel as if it would just be too much work to Smurf.

With premier coming out and already utilizing the phone verification maybe it could be an easy thing to do? I have no idea how it would have to be worked around but if any riot dev has any insight I’d love to hear about it.



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