Posted by Steve
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 1:43 PM
You've already bought a Phantom, best weapon in the game along Operator, and enemy is 10m away - just run it down.
You are clearing Bind's short A, Garden, Showers, Hookah or U-Hall? Haven's sewer or B site? Ascent's Market, B-main, Pizza, Garden, A-Link, A-site Hell, Back B? Any cubby in the game? Anything on Split? Just run at them and shoot. 5 people are stomping at you on the other side of smoke? Backpedal to cover while holding left click and pulling your mouse down. Massive damage, potential kills, little to no downsides.
This is not CSGO, with it's obsolete movement, gun play and firing error. This is not Project A with it's precision gun play and competitive integrity. This is Valorant.
I know you feel like you are in control and your skill decides the outcome of the duel when you stand still and shoot, but don't let your ego get in the way of your success. If godlike, even TenZlike aimers are embracing this, you or myself are in no position to oppose it. Winning every game comes down to playing to your strengths - Play to Phantom's strengths.
If they instantly head shot you, it's very likely they would've done that if you were standing still (even more likely), if they hit your body or legs, they will reduce you to walking speed, which, in this game, is almost as accurate as standing still and they will be dead in no time.
Playing close range duels this way, the right way, will win them for you. It will win you rounds and, with tilting your opponent out of the game with your superior mechanics, will win you games.When you start abusing this, you will eventually learn when it's not good to do it, get better at it and realize in how many situations is actually best way to play. And, hopefully, in couple patches your newly learned skill will be gone from this game forever.
Until then, best of luck in your battles for radianite, agent!
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