Posted by Steve
Thursday, April 28, 2022 1:29 PM
More Like This
I post it again since the previous video was not long enough. What the hell happened with the second kill? The bullet clearly went top right but hit Raze straight in the chest. Is the visual indication of the bullet trajectory not actually representing the actual bullet?
I post it again since the previous video was not long enough. What the hell happened with the second kill? The bullet clearly went top right but hit Raze straight in the chest. Is the visual indication of the bullet trajectory not actually...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, April 4, 2023 4:50 AM
Gains/loss, massive difference?
It seemed to be going well until I got a +10 out of the blue, my combat score remains about the same but yeah I was two negative... doesn't feel as though that should remove 12.
Then there's a loss and it's -29... a bit disproportional....
Posted by Otto
Saturday, January 14, 2023 9:09 PM
[Concept] Valorant Collection UI Change
Hey everyone! As Riot will release a seemingly infinite number of skins, banners, and buddies, I feel like the current design of viewable collections isn't scalable. Although Riot has added a filtering system since its release, this is stil...
Posted by Otto
Friday, January 27, 2023 4:50 PM