Playing a faster pace shooter where accuracy matters is an amazing warm-up for valorant.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 5:05 PM

Case in point, I played a few rounds of TF2 as sniper for about an hour and then hopped on Valorant. Then proceeded to go 36/10/3 with a 49% headshot accuracy and absolutely rolling the enemies 13 to 4. Enemies thought I was hacking, which admittedly made me get a bit cocky and do a little worse towards the end and lose the 50%+ headshot accuracy I had, but regardless. Though like I said, the point in saying all this is practicing in a fast-paced low-stakes shooter where accuracy matters is an amazing warm-up. Being low stakes you won't get annoyed if you do good or bad leaving you with a fresh attitude yet warmed up very well for a val match. I plan on making a short video with clips from this match and posting it here tomorrow most likely, so stay tuned if you would like that.



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