Please give us the ability to lower our gunfire sound volume with volume sliders

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 14, 2022 6:02 AM

It would be amazing if Rito gave us the ability to lower our gun fire sound volume. Add volume sliders for our own gunshot sound, allies and gun sound of opponents.

I am actually getting deafer. I have actual hearing loss now and guns sounds are too much for me.

I do play by lowering sounds... but I am missing footsteps sounds now and some other sound cues. My teammates are calling me deaf on a more regular basis. I turn up sound to listen footsteps better and gun sounds become absolute torture.

I do play on much better headphones now... but still I have to make choice between getting deaf or losing games.

I am actually getting deafer and I am frightened now. I have cut down on music and movies.



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