Please learn how and when to flash

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 12:02 AM

A reminder for all players who main flash agents such as phoenix, kayo, skye etc:

  1. When attacking, try to flash earlier for entry to initiate a fight instead of throwing random flash in a sudden that could flash teammates. It is pointless to flash when your team is already in the site and holding different angles. Simply trade off for kill with teammate if there is a fight.

  2. Use your mic and simply inform teammates you are going to flash when you think you may flash your teammates with your abilities. It is Ok and understandable to flash teammates in conditions like flashing 4 enemies and 2 teammates simultaneously. But at least make a call so your team is aware of the flash.

  3. On top of 2nd statement, try to make the call 1 second earlier before you flash, not the exact moment you flash because it is really pointless. Sometimes it is difficult to do so in the heat of battle. Understandable. But please do it when you are allowed to so it will be something like your muscle memory but on mouth.

  4. It is not hard to admit your fault and say "sorry" when you mistakenly flash your teammates and consequently they die. Everyone makes mistake and mistake can affect others performance that will cause anger / arguement. A simple apology not only will stop others from flaming you but also make the one you flashed feel good so everyone can focus on the game instead of arguing / insulting each other. If shits still happen after you apologize, there is always a mute button exists in game for you to activate.

  5. Everyone makes mistakes. But if you consistently make the same mistake again and again without listening to other's advice, it is completely your fault. Valorant is a team based competitive game, you can't 1v5 every round even you have top tier godlike aim and game sense. Stop ruining your teammates by continuously flashing them.

I can't tell how frustrating it is when you are ready to make an easy backstab / a good fight with enemy in a good angle and at the right moment, but suddenly a teammate flash pop up for no reason but just to ruin your whole set up and tempo.

I can't tell how many times I met players with low EQ and high Ego refused to apologize when they flash teammates. Instead, they will be toxic and flame you with words like "A cry baby who can't learn how to dodge flash".

To make it clear, I am just an average player who normally stays between gold and plat. I play the game to have fun and trying best to learn and improve. I am not good at dodging flash, particularly worse at dodging teammate flash. People always expect and ready to dodge flash from enemy, but not from teammate. When your teammate raise a concern on it and ask to make a call before you flash, it is totally reasonable.

Ngl I am still feeling amazed players in Plat lobby can still randomly throw out bad flash for no reason. Learning how to flash properly and communicate with teammates aren't difficult things to do.



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