Please for the love of god stay quiet when people are trying to clutch. Isn't this obvious??

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 11, 2021 1:57 AM

I'm in diamond elo and teammates constantly tell me HE'S WINDOW when I fking saw him and then I lost focus and lost the 11-12 we were coming back from 6-11 too and I told them once already to shut up when people are clutching. It doesn't help them at all all theh they have to do is shoot them in the head to win how is you screaming HE'S WINDOW U SAW HIM gonna help me do that? I lost focus so hard and just peaked him like shit and died when I had a plan.

Edit: I was nice the entire match and asked nicely the first time when someone talked during a teammates clutch then did it in the last round just as I was about to peak



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