please remove bald cypher riot

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 3:09 AM

Cypher's ultimate ability needs to be nerfed into the ground immediately. It is so blatantly overpowered that I cannot imagine how any of the developers could have possibly have dreamt up such a devilish opponent to face against.

As you all know, Cypher's ultimate ability, Neural Theft, shows locations of all currently alive enemies upon use on a corpse. This aspect of the ultimate is incredibly mild compared to the aftermath of the ability's use.

After the ability is used, Cypher removes his hat, showing off his glorious bald head for all the world to see. This is where the true terror of the ultimate comes into play, as this is hands down the funniest thing I have ever seen.

I like many others begin to wildly cackle like an insane person due to this. My first match against a Cypher I was utterly useless against the enemy team due to how hard I was laughing for the next hour. My entire torso was aching but the laughter would not stop. I had finally calmed down 20 minutes after the match was over and i had been kicked from my friend's party.

This is a nearly daily occurrence for me. I have gotten noise complaints from people in my building due to my comically loud and long fits of laughter due to Cypher's lack of a hairline. If this continues to happen I fear I may be evicted from my apartment. Riot, I beg of you, please keep Cypher's hat on. for the well being of the community this must be done, as millions of others suffer from similar fates as I daily.



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