Posted by Steve
Thursday, August 5, 2021 10:07 AM
Hello again everyone,
I would like to start off by saying that The Range has been a great place to fool around and warm up real quick while you're waiting for your friends to hop on. It's not a crucial part of the game, so I completely understand why this might be at the bottom of Riot's to-do list. However, as the game has progressed and evolved over time, The Range has antiquated and aged poorly.
For starters, most Agent abilities behave strangly in the range. I really don't understand why that is, but the issue exists. For instance, Jett's ult knives sometimes do not come back to her after killing a bot in practice. It seems like each bot has a unique identifier, and once you have killed that bot, you cannot get your knives back from that bot again thereafter once it respawns.
A list of bugs I have observed in the range:
- No flash indicators, only near sights
- Jett knives don't come back after killing a bot for the second time
- Reyna sometimes cannot dismiss from a bot kill
- Cypher can stick his cam in midair above the START/PRACTICE button board
- Some agent abilities activate the buttons on the button board (except ones you would actually want to use, like Jett knives.
- Omen takes fall damage when teleporting from certain rooftops
- Yoru can go under the map with his ult (and has no way to come back up besides leaving the match)
- Bots drop old weapon models when killed
- Starting a plant/defuse drill replaces your classic with a default classic
- Brimstone smokes always land on the roof
- Skye's ult just doesn't work at all
- You cannot switch agents in many parts of the range
- Sometimes only 2-4 bots spawn when activating practice mode
- Cypher's ult does not work at all.
- Omen's ult does not show the drill part of The Range (beyond the teleporter).
- Bots do not display a detain indicator
These problems are exclusive to the range. Again, I realize The Range is not a map, and does not need attention to competitive integrity, but these are certainly some gripes when trying to practice game mechanics. It also should be noted that these problems occur in the plant/defuse drills as well, where you would want to practice utility usage.
Besides the strange bugs and interaction behavior in the range, I think it's time to add some more functionality to it. Many players are in favor of a leaderboard in the range, or some method of tracking for your score. Additionally, we would benefit greatly from different aim training routines. The current practice mode is decent, but it's too linear and basic. With maps like Icebox in the game, we need a more dynamic aim trainer. It would be great if there was a spot in the range where the bots spawn in different places like windows, ledges, headglitches, etc. Aimlab made map-specific aim training routines, so why not put that in the game? Or even just a generic gridshot training mode? There is no better practice than using the real game mechanics and weapons.
Another proposition I have for the range is the ability to do the plant/defuse drills with a friend. Why would people want to practice solo executing a site? I realize it's a good way to practice clearing corners and whatnot, but the bots spawn in the same 3 spots every time which takes all the difficulty out of it. The bots don't even move or shoot utility or anything. A more in-depth plant/defuse drill would be much appreciated.
I would like to conclude this post by opening the discussion to you guys. I realize my request is mildly ignorant, considering Riot has a million other things on their plate, but I think it's a topic worth discussing with the community. I look forward to hearing more ideas from everyone.
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