PLEASE stop buying high elo accounts

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 7:00 AM

PLEASE stop buying high elo accounts

i was just reminded to post this after an incident

btw won't even go over the fact that it's against TOS because that doesn't stop anyone

it's now been twice in one week (which is not that much in the greater scheme of things but still absurd nonetheless) that someone in my imm2/3 game has admitted to buying an immortal account because they "wanted to see if they could hang" at the level

and completely ruined the game by not even getting 5 kills in over 20 round games

i beg, if you are even considering purchasing an account because you think you're hardstuck and deserve better

you aren't

also your parents don't deserve that ~500 dollar hit to their bank accounts because you want to feed

just to show i'm not the only one complaining about this issue!



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