Posted by Steve
Friday, March 11, 2022 1:00 AM
one of the biggest issues with afking in ranked is that the person who afks doesn’t get punished, and the rest of the team gets unfairly punished for someone else’s actions
on the other hand, someone might accidentally DC because of factors outside their control, and a one-size-fits-all penalty could be too harsh
so, what if we changed the way rr penalties work? i present to you my work-in-progress formula:
penalty number = 1 + (x/13)) + 0.5(sum((y^(2))/819))
x = the # of rounds your team lost that the person afked
y = the round number of every round your team lost, and the sum(y^(2)) being the sum of these round numbers squared. this is a bit convoluted, but only because i couldnt properly do sigma notation on reddit
basically, the amount of rr lost by the afker would be multiplied by this "penalty number", while the rr lost by non-afkers would be divided by this number. if you afk at any point during the game, you are automatically disqualified from this cushion, and they would have their own penalty applied (independent of the other afkers).
if there are multiple afkers, every non-afker would have their rr divided by the largest penalty number, up to a maximum of 2.5x (rounded up to the next integer)
so, what purpose does this serve? essentially, it takes into account two factors: how many rounds you afked, and which specific rounds you afked.
not only does the number of rounds you afked matter, which rounds you afked on also matters because a 1 - 1 game is much more realistically winnable than a 1 - 12 game.
- someone afks 4 total rounds, and the rounds that they afked corresponded to the 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 9th lost rounds (NOT total rounds)
- (1+(4/13)) + (0.5(9+16+49+81)/819) = 1.402
- if someone afks and would've lost 20 rr, they now lose 20*1.402 = 28.04 rr, rounded up to 29. for everyone else, they would lose 20/1.402 = 14.265 rr, rounded up to 15.
- someone afks a single round at the start, and the team loses the pistol round
- (1+(1/13)) + (0.5(1/819)) = 1.077
- if someone afks and they would've lost 20 rr, they now lose 20*1.077 = 21.54 rr, rounded up to 22. for everyone else, they would lose 20/1.077 = 18.570 rr, rounded up to 19.
this took me a long ass time to write up and think about, please let me know what you think!
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